At VUHS we want all students to know that this is a community that cares about you. We are proud to partner with Teen Lifeline to make sure you have a connection to the support you need when you need it. Please take a look at the back of your school ID. We want you to have a daily reminder that you're not alone and if you feel like giving up, there is resource avaialbe where you can turn to talk about any problems.


Hazing and Bullying

“A student is being bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students” (Olweus, 1993). Bullying behavior is meant to hurt another person and is carried out by someone who is seeking power or control over another person. There are three forms of bullying – physical, emotional, and social.Various resources are available for students, parents, school staff, administrators, and community members to assist in bullying prevention.


For more information on bullying (and what to do if it occurs), please see the website for Arizona Department of Education, here.

Public Notice on Student Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying, click here.

Valley Union Policy, click here.

Student Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying Complaint form, click here.


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